Using my Digital Portfolio outside of my Masters Program

I am excited to continue using my Digital Portfolio outside of this program. This is one portion of my career that I wish I had kept up with from the beginning.  It would have been so amazing to see myself grow from a first year teacher to where I am now.  I can reflect back on just the past 10 years, and who I was as an educator in 2008 vs 2018 is so different.  Even my thoughts on digital learning have evolved over the past 10 years and I am SO excited to see where I will be in another few years.  

I can't wait to see the learning grow throughout my time in the Digital Learning and Leading Masters Program.  I am looking forward to expanding my learning in the area of digital learning.  Everything that I learn will benefit all of the learners, educators and parents in my community, and for that I am thankful.

I also have a work benefit for keeping up with my digital portfolio. I want to be a role model for using portfolios as a learning tool.  I will need examples of work, and reflection, and showcasing learning and when I keep up with mine, I will have an authentic example of what a learning portfolio can look like.  

As I progress through the digital portfolio implementation in my district, I can continue to use my portfolio as a way to showcase the use of portfolios for PL, reflection and showcasing learning.

I had a digital portfolio created before beginning my Masters, and I had begun to build different portions of my career showcasing different pieces of what I have done and created.  Now that I know more about what it can be used for, I think that building it will become easier and easier.  I think one of the hardest things that I will need to do in the upcoming months will be merging my Digital Learning and Leading portfolio with my personal portfolio that was already created.  The "look" is different and the headings and organization and very different.  I haven't decided if I want to keep the original ones that I had in my original portfolio, or change all of them up and reorganize.

One great thing about Bulb is that the collections and pages and completely moveable.  I can click and drag any collection or page into any other collection or space.  It means that as I have ideas or I change my thought processes, I can make changes to where things are located.  I can even archive stuff as it gets older.......still viewable, but just not in a current space.

The other thought I had was that a digital portfolio is also a place to direct people when I tweet about things or meet them at conferences or meetings.  I can house work items that are important to me that I may want to share with others. I am looking forward to continuing this work, and I think that it will benefit me the most, but also others around the world too.  My biggest growth opportunity in all of this is share out my learning with others more and to contribute to other's learning (besides professional learning sessions).


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