Should I Stay or Should I Go? Switching Portfolio systems?

I think for me, this was the toughest decision making that I have had over the past few weeks. It seems to me that blogging is the preferred method for the ePortfolios in this program.  I can see how the way it is set up is set for the work that we will be doing in the program.

I think my struggle is that I like Bulb a lot.  I started in the first course with Bulb, and I loved how I had it arranged...I am a type A personality, so I felt accomplished in how I had it arranged.  It seemed like it would be right for me to find things based on the class that I completed it.  As we have been through this next class, I can see that although that arrangement would be fine for me, it won't really work for others looking at my site who may have not been through the courses and may not have context.

I do like how the blog can set up with blog posts and pages, and that you can arrange things to look more like a website.  You can spend more time creating themes and adding widgets of content too.

Bulb doesn't have the exact same kind of capabilities, but what I do like about it is that is it free of clutter and there are only 2 different ways to organize the content.  This helps me focus on the content instead of worrying about what it looks like.  The clean look gives me the ability to keep things clear and easy to manage and navigate. I feel like the look of the site is calming.

So, as we have progressed through the last few weeks, I have struggled with what to do.  As I take COVA into mind, I want to make sure I am holding true to the method.  I want to be sure to complete all pieces of the master's program and didn't want to lose points because it isn't set up the way that I need it to be set up later on down the line.  Although Bulb does have a way to "blog", it isn't the same as a true blog, and I am worried that it could lead to confusion.

So, in the long run, I think a mesh of both platforms will be the way to go for me right now.  There is still a way for me to copy and paste anything from either platform if I need to, but for now I will use both platforms.  I have chosen Blogger over Wordpress because I am very familiar with it. I like the way it works, and I like how user friendly it is.    I will use Blogger for my blog posts and reflections and Bulb for all of my content and other things.  I think a mesh of both products will be best.  I will get the best of both worlds.

After going through other people's portfolios, I found Rhoda Hahn's portfolio and she did somewhat of the same thing, so I think I am going to go that route.


  1. I also contemplated the switch as you did during EDLD 5303. As a DLL student I felt pressure to switch to WordPress because the the instructions were repeated throughout the course to use a platform with "robust blogging" such as WordPress. I ultimately decided to continue with Bulb and link a WordPress account. Bulb has a great layout and allows for a smooth transition from each page. You've done a great job linking BlogSpot!


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