Innovation Plan Overview
In reflecting on this project planning, I found that there were places that I struggled through the assignments and other parts where I found my voice very easily. The biggest struggle for me would have to be the Literature Review. I spent the most time on this project and found that I wasn't really sure I was doing it right until I read through the paper for the first time once I had pieced it all together.
When deciding what my innovation project was going to be for this program, I thought I had it nailed down pretty quickly, but then Dr. Bedard responded to my initial idea with questions around the research, I had to really think through what I was doing. I have never done research in the format that was required for this course, and I spent a long time trying to figure out how to find research on my particular topic. She was right, it was hard. Parent Education in schools is not widely researched or talked about topic in "peer-reviewed" journals. I didn't realize that it wasn't a topic that we would have a lot of content on. This not only scared me, but it also inspired me to keep going. This is such an important topic for me. Now that I am a parent and I have begun the learning journey in education with my son, I see how important it is for me to support him through this journey and find my understanding and knowledge of topics such as digital literacy, growth mindset and educational strategies will help me do a better job supporting him.
I enjoyed the reflection that took place while creating the video that I put together to inspire others in my district and help them see the importance of our focus on educating the parents and helping them partner with us.
After completing the literature review and finding more direction for my innovation project, I was able to write up my proposal to our Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction. Using the information that I had found in the peer-reviewed articles gave my proposal more depth and research-based reasons why my idea will be successful in our district.
Working on the innovation plan timeline was another difficult part of this process because it forced me to think 1 year into the future and think about things in a detailed format. This was hard because I have not decided on topics and in which order we would go. I think the parent feedback portion will be one of the most important next steps to take in order to know what to focus on. I want to be sure that their needs are taken into consideration. The other big part of this plan will be bringing our Coordinator of Professional Learning and Director of Communications on board. Once we have had time to sit down together to talk through this plan, I am sure that my timeline will change a bit. The timeline program that I am using to communicate my process can be easily updated because it is fed from a google spreadsheet. Once I update that spreadsheet, it updates my timeline and you will be able to see the changes here on this page.
Innovation Plan Timeline
Innovation Timeline in Outline Format
Please find the links to all pieces of the plan here:
Books to Read
- Growing Up Digital - Don Tapscott
- The Parent App - Lynn Schofield Clark
- Media Moms and Digital Dads - Yalda and Uhls
- Screen-smart Parenting - Jodi Gold
- The Digital Classroom - David Gordon
- Innovative Professional Learning - iBook - Klynen, Davis, Gagiolo, and Kathman
- Elements of Learning - iBook - Apple Education
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